During the copy-editing process, Anna will check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, organisation, consistency and sense. Then there are issues related to the language used – how does the writing sound? Does it strike the right note? Are there unintended nuances to your word choice?
With a good general education, Anna may also often spot factual errors or omissions, although ultimately content remains the responsibility of the author. Where applicable, Anna will draw up a list of author queries which need to be resolved before the edit is complete.
Note also that editing can be carried out as a live lesson on Skype, if you wish to learn more about what is being done and why (see ESL Lessons). This method can be useful if there are many queries to be resolved, as these can be discussed face to face. The disadvantage is that overall the process may be longer (and therefore cost more) than if Anna were to edit the same text offline.
At British English Lab, Anna’s goal is to help you speak and write like a native. Through engaging ESL lessons, close textual editing and, soon, an array of podcasts, she wants to spread her love of the English word around the world.
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